Monday, September 8, 2008

Mom and Dad Before the BIG SHOW

"What a day!" We kept saying to ourselves, "this doesn't feel real." Mom started the day like any other. Woke up, let the dogs outside, watered the flowers, unloaded the dishwasher, fed the dogs, did some laundry, and was back in bed about a half an hour later. She's been strong and productive throughout the entire pregnancy. Since she's having a planned C-section, she's not been allowed to eat or drink anything since 2am this morning (dad was glad to hear he could eat if he wanted to, and he did.)

We tried to keep ourselves busy all weekend by getting things done around the house and the first part of today was no exception. Getting all the bags together, taking the car to get maintenanced, and making sure everyhting will be perfect for triumphant return home.

At 2pm we were on our way to Northside. No problems leaving home or getting to the hospital. We thought that we'd end up hurring to the hospital just to wait around for 2 1/2 hours, but there wasn't a spare moment.

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